Multiple Subtasks for Jira


Compatibility Matrix

General advise

Only the latest version of Multiple Subtasks for Jira brings you the latest and greatest set of features and potential bugfixes. It is our core interest, and we are working hard to provide you with stable iterations from version to version of this app.

Tip: Always install the latest version of Multiple Subtasks for Jira and keep it up to date.

Long Term Support

Multiple Subtasks for Jira is always developed against the latest version of Jira Server and Jira Data Center to ensure compatibility with all upcoming changes. To ensure compatibility with older versions of Jira Server and Jira Data Center the app Multiple Subtasks for Jira is also tested against the following long-term-support releases:

Database support

Multiple Subtasks for Jira is tested with many database vendors while we always focus on MySQL DB and Oracle DB as the most used database vendors to run your Jira instance.

Please make sure that your database configuration matches the configuration required by Jira. Many problems with Multiple Subtasks for Jira are caused by a wrong database configuration. See the following references for potential problems reported by our customers:

Choose your version

Multiple Subtasks for Jira has a very broad range of supported versions of Jira Server and Jira Data Center:

Jira Server & Data Center Multiple Subtasks for Jira
9.4.x and newer use latest version
8.20.x - 9.3.x 23.12.0
8.13.x - 8.19.x 22.11.0
8.12.x and older not supported